Sunday, March 19, 2006

Project Complete

In addition to putting all of baby's clothes, etc. in the new dresser, I was able to complete the jewelry project that I had started last week in time for the wedding today. Actually finished the rest of the four necklaces and earrings on Wednesday. Didn't keep track of exactly how long it took, but I estimate it took about 3-4 hours total time. That's probably slow to experienced jewelry makers.


tabasco man said...

Very nice. Looks like someone doesn't have pierced ears on the wedding party.

Your Tar Heels blew it!

Angry Asian Girl said...

Thanks, but they're probably forgettable.
And the non-pierced ears would belong to my sis. She refuses to get her ears pierced. Not because she's scared of the pain but just because she doesn't wear earrings.