Thursday, March 09, 2006

Work Out Supporter and Foe

MSO has once again become my supporter and foe when it comes to working out. Mostly brought on because of a 23-22 win at an A&E league game. After the game...Wait, first let's start with that final score. Sorry, but I think there are higher final scores at many high school games, girls high school games. Anyways, after the game, MSO tells me we gotta start working out. He wants me to start lifting weights with him as a workout. I appreciate that he wants to get me going with working out (everyone knows I need it) and I don't mind being his motivator but really, I rather not lift weights of the male gruntin' and sweatin' kind. Been telling him my choice for a workout is doing Pilates among other things. I used to do it before I met MSO, who feels that Pilates is not a workout. An article in today's Honolulu Advertiser about Shawn Ching (Thanks, Tabasco Man) refutes that. When you have a 245-pound man who held the leg press record for the football team with a 2,125-pound max leg press saying the "first session was tough," then come on now.
"It was one of the hardest things I had ever done," Ching admitted. And after it was over: "I felt like I got a massage from the inside out. I had never felt that way before. It was just a really refreshing feeling."
So for the past three nights we've been trying to get going with our workout routine, but we haven't been successful. The baby and dog have been getting their workout though.

1 comment:

Gee Why said...

You gotta be like the Tabasco Man and come to work at 4:00am so that he can be in the gym by 2:00pm and get a good 3 hour work out in. Anything less is for girly men.

I used to see this yoga show on Lifetime in the morning and thought it looked easy so I tried following along. Man, I couldn't get very far even with the commercial breaks. All that up-dog and down-dog stuff was hard.