Thursday, April 06, 2006

Sad Days Ahead

We had our last lunch with the U gang and two other P dudes joined us at Makino Chaya. Hopefully this won't be the last lunch we'll have together as it's a refreshing break from day-to-day activities, so to speak, and we all need some amusement when making fun of each other in one way or another, in person.

Tabasco Man was prepared as he brought his artillery. Makino Chaya does not have it so if you need that hot flavor, don't leave home without it.

Look at the presentation of this sushi-filled plate. Will Tabasco Man's next project be marketing sushi for restaurants? Imagine his work plastered on the pages of your beautiful menu or magazine. Such talent!

We had to finally scrape our butts off the chairs as we relunctantly made our way back to our daily business. Thanks to everyone for the company and the oishii lunch!


tabasco man said...

Yes, thank you all for the delicious lunch. Hopefully I won't be too busy at my next 'venture to miss any of these "team-building" events.

Gee Why said...

I'm still impressed with that sushi platter. Too bad the Tabasco Man don't like wasabi. That dollop of green would be a perfect color complement on the plate.

Of course more team-building events are going to occur!

Gee Why said...

The best way to make fun of someone is in person. Making fun of Wayne's World at lunch just wasn't the same without him there to take the abuse and dish out his own.

Hope your meeting with your project peeps went okay.