Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Multitasking Woes

"I can only do one thing at a time." That was a statement MSO told me recently. What is it with his inability to multitask? Watching TV mesmerizes him to the point that he completely stops what he's doing and doesn't hear or see just about anything that's around him, including of course, me. That's all fine and dandy that he's enjoying one of the intriguing playoff games, discovering whatever it may be on the Discovery Channel, gaining a glimpse into the past through the History Channel, getting in touch with his feminine side with TLC, or even hoping he can be like Norm Abrams on HGTV. But, many a women are able to cook, clean, and take care of the baby without saying "I can only do one thing at a time." Now don't get upset guys. I only say that because I can only remember one thing - that MSO cannot multitask.


Anonymous said...

I think it's more of a prioritizing issue, than multitasking.

Gee Why said...

Sheeow! Them be fightin' words if I may say.

You know he can't help it. It's purely biological because motherhood makes women smarter.

Men don't have enough oxytocin in their systems you know. ;)

tabasco man said...

He's a genius! Look he just got out of doing the cooking, cleaning, and watching the baby. He can just choose one task that he wishes to do, after watching TV of course.

Wayne's World said...

Hey, watching multiple TV shows at one time is considered multitasking! It's not easy to switch between channels during commercials! You have to time it just right so you go back to the main show that you're watching without missing any of it.

You should get a TIVO/ReplayTV so you can at least optimize the TV viewing time by skipping commercials.

Gee Why said...

So WW are you saying AAG should get her MSO a Tivo for the upcoming Father's Day?

Angry Asian Girl said...

Ha ha. LOL.
e, it's a shame that MSO can't prioritize then.
Gee Why, that was a great article that maybe MSO could learn from, if only he had time to read this blog which is obviously not a top priority for him.
Tabasco Man, MSO may have gotten out of the cooking, cleaning, and watching the baby, but is it really worth the wrath to come?
Wayne's World, MSO is even bad at switching between channels during commercials. He has made me miss part of a few shows when we used to watch TV.
Tivo? What is Tivo? (Note the sarcasm...I know what Tivo is.)

Anonymous said...

If you'd like, I'll give him a lesson about prioritizing, as well as good and bad multitasking.

Angry Asian Girl said...

By all means. Good luck...