Monday, April 30, 2007

Addicted To Blogging?

In response to Gee Why's post about blog addict signs...
  • Bloglines, Google Reader or some other RSS reader is constantly open on your computer's desktop. Trying out Google Reader...
  • You tell customers that you missed a project deadline because "some things" came up but in reality, you were blogging. Missed project deadlines? Not yet...
  • You periodically dream that you are blogging. Can't say I've done this but I did have a dream (or nightmare) about missing an exam. Major panic, and I'm not even going to school!
  • You get inspiration for new blog posts at the strangest times - in the Jacuzzi, sitting on the toilet, during marital activities (cough, cough)... you get the picture. Guilty of being inspired during the "strangest times" and just in everyday life situations with baby, the dog, and MSO (not during THAT marital activity!).
  • Before blogs, you used to tuck the kids into bed at night. Now you check for unapproved blog comments before heading to bed yourself. No time and no energy before our child's bedtime which could also be considered my bedtime.
  • In order for your family to keep up with what's going on in your life, they have to read your blog. Furthermore, if they want to communicate with you, they have to comment on your blog. Guess my family doesn't have time to read my nonsense.
  • You have actually considered setting up a blog for your pet of which you would post the entries pretending you are your pet (weirdo). Weirdo?!
  • You can't remember dates for your wedding anniversary, kids birthdays, etc., but you know what your Technorati rank is. Can't remember a lot of things now (blame motherhood), and didn't know it before but looks like Baby Dog Days got a rank of 1,077,900. Whoo hoo!
  • You blog about anything and everything including bad meals, your pets, getting your car stuck in snow, conversations you have in the bathroom, etc. Uh duh...Definition of 'blog' courtesy of Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary:
    Main Entry: blog
    Pronunciation: 'blog, 'bläg
    Function: noun
    Etymology: short for Weblog
    : a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer
  • Keeping a blog is no longer enough but you now have to record your every move on Twitter. Kind of like kittycaht (that doesn't know how to spell cat) recording her packing of a suitcase to go on her New York trip. Oooh myyy goodness.
...So am I a blog addict? Nah!


Gee Why said...

Yeah, but you went to CatTalk and checked out her movies. Chalk up another hit to her site! Made you look!!

The caht spelling is for emphasis and she says spurratic with a cat's purr for sporadic. Genius! ;)

Angry Asian Girl said...
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Angry Asian Girl said...

Just wanted to see what "looking good" was...

Didn't really check out her movies. Think I just went to her myspace page and had the one with her packing.

Jennifer Walker said...

Love that list.

You can always join our group of baby blog addicts at My husband’s and my addiction started innocently enough when we started our personal baby blog in March 2005. What developed over the next two years is nothing short of an addiction and now we developed another blog to fuel the addiction of all baby blog addicts out there.

Angry Asian Girl said...

Jennifer: Thanks for the link to your great site! I've added it to my list.