Thursday, May 31, 2007

Random Introspection

* Having a sick child in the household has got to be one of the worst things ever!

* Hope MSO doesn't have a pinched nerve.

* Gosh, when did we last wash the dog?

* I got to make a check up appointment for the dog.

* Heard the same song on the way to work that I heard yesterday on the way home at almost the same location.

* Someone must've burned their popcorn.

* How many more years of work to go?!

* Wayne's World really needs an intervention.

* What month is this already?!

* I'm liking my Mio watch so far.

* How's Phoebe doing?

* I need a car wash.

* Sorry to Shortgirl for the missed phone message.

* Great additions on the way for Gee Why.

* Sympathy sentiments to Tabasco Man.


Wayne's World said...

haha ditto on the car and dog wash. It's so easy to forget that!

Intervention? Can I get Kelly Hu as the intervener? =)

Phoebe said...

After reading the post title, I was looking forward to a more "personal" post...