Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Move In The Right Direction...

That is the motto of Envirosax and their philosophy is to "help create a better future for our planet by spreading the environmental message through colour and script using the Envirosax® eco-friendly reusable bag as the vehicle".

So I jumped on the bandwagon to try and make our future planet better by purchasing their Flora collection. We were bringing home a lot of plastic bags from grocery shopping and I keep thinking about the various pushes for reduction of plastic bags, whether it's in media form (TV, radio) or lectures about pollution prevention. Did you know plastic bags are made out of petroleum?

I looked to purchase those plain canvas bags to utilize for shopping but they were just not fashionable...Kidding...Okay, maybe not kidding that much. But anyways, I stumbled upon the Envirosax bags and thought they were nice eco-friendly, reusable bags that are pretty strong and can hold quite a bit. You can even get a small bag credit at Safeway (That will eventually add up to the cost of the reusable bags way down the line)!

Go Green! Now I just need a hybrid version of my vehicle. ;)

Here are some tidbits and links to advocate pollution prevention, water and energy conservation:
* Most cost-effective form of environmental protection is pollution prevention as it eliminates or reduces wastes at the source of generation.
* Reduce, reuse, recycle and re-buy (Buy recycled content products).
* Choose service providers who also promote waste reduction (Green businesses).
* Check for leaks and repair right away.
* Energy saving tips online:
- Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) -
- Hawaii Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism -
* Hawaii Department of Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch -
* City & County of Honolulu, Department of Environmental Services -
* Western Regional Pollution Prevention Network -
* Household Products Database -

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