Tuesday, March 14, 2006

School Memories and Laughs

While searching for something in his old room, MSO and I came across some yearbooks. Scanning through the pages brought a lot of memories and laughs for MSO. I was fortunate to see two candid shots of MSO in his eighth grade yearbook. It was pretty funny that these shots displayed him playing football and tennis - sports in which he doesn't really play. Another funny thing, and I'm sure I would laugh at what I wrote too, is what his friends wrote in the yearbook. And remember signing "Frenz, (your name)"? Frenz...haha. Do kids still use that "word"? Tabasco Man, did you see what your friends wrote in your yearbook? It's amazing how people change over the years and years and years. When was the last time you picked up your yearbooks and reminisced?

Angry Asian Girl


Gee Why said...

I think in the Tabasco Man's yearbook, Kristine wrote:

Me and the Tabasco Man 4 eva. Like Madonna said, you're my Lucky Star. You're way cuter than Christian Slater in Gleaming the Cube.

XOXOXO, your-future-wife, Kristine

tabasco man said...

I don't know where my yearbooks are, but I do remember stuff like "wuz nice knowing a cool guy like you."

I didn't let too many people sign my yearbook, maybe five at the most. Most people weren't cool enough to sign it. Haha. In fact my best friend didn't let anyone sign his senior yearbook.g

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