Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Another Broken 100!

I say 'another' as Wayne's World showed his stuff last week. This one goes to MSO. He managed to accomplish the task at Mililani Golf Club through all the harassing and trash talk between him and my sis. He handled the pressure very well and came out with the victory over her and everyone else in our group.

The day started out cloudy with some light showers, but ended with the sun and a bogey on the last par 5 hole (for me, that's happiness when you're playing like crap). It was great golf to see and MSO amazingly didn't say it was because he had his own cart and I wasn't with him.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

TV and Children

Since I've become a parent, I've experienced a diminishing connection to TV and movies. Actually, I shouldn't associate that too much with being a parent 'cause it was before that when the luxury to lay down on the couch (an actual couch and not the floor that I have so become accustomed to now since we don't have one) and watch TV became constricted. The motivation to complete my degree with a high GPA had taken precedence over watching anything, including Wentworth. Anyways, the reduced connection is not a bad thing...Consider MSO and his addiction to TV. MSO and I had agreed that we didn't want baby to watch TV until he's older. We had heard and read that it's bad for the developing brain. Now turn to these two articles:

Study: More parents use TV as an electronic babysitter
Parents Making Use of TV Despite Risks

It's crazy to read that a third of families leave the TV on nearly all the time and young children have TVs in their own rooms. I understand that it is pretty unrealistic to not have your child watch TV as our current sitter uses the TV a lot, but as the first article says, it is scary to see children when they are in front of the TV. They do appear transfixed and sucked in...Just like MSO. Research hasn't really focused on developmental outcomes for children under three so it's not known if educational TV for such children is beneficial. Probably moderation, supervision, and supplementation are key.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Customer Service...A *@#!$% Forgotten Experience

I'm not a great traveler of the world, but what I saw on this last trip at the airports has made me almost glad that I'm not. It started when we arrived at our hometown airport and found that you no longer check in with a person but rather a machine which, by the way, required a credit card for each person checking in. We had wanted to upgrade or change our seats to make our long journey to the Empire State a little more comfortable. MSO started to ask one of the workers there about how he could go about this, but she just kept saying "Check in" while pointing to the very inviting machine. Once we checked in with Mr. Machine, she then told us that we should have tried in the morning to get our seats changed. Nice. We then discovered that baby should have gotten a boarding pass as well. I chided to MSO about not finding this out ahead of time, but he said he had spoken to three different agents over the phone and none of them informed him that we needed one. Sorry, my bad.
To add to our wonderful start, we decided to "gate-check" our stroller which may have been a mistake. The worker there asked us if we were going beyond the first stop, ORD, and we said 'Yes.' We were never told that we had to "gate-check" our stroller at each stop. As a result of this lack of information, the much needed stroller got a much delayed arrival. This stroller also got damaged on its way back home and was left out on the sidewalk outside the gate area with other strollers and walkers 'cause they were going to catch the Wiki Wiki shuttle. Yeah. Don't know why our airport (or is it the airline?) places all the strollers and walkers outside where anyone can just take it, but that's what happened.
Yet another big kick in our asses while we're down was the fact that baby's car seat got lost en route to our destination. The lovely airline baggage claim service person (yes, one person for a long line) was not so lovely in the personality kind of sense. Just what you need is to deal with an unfriendly person after a long, uncomfortable plane ride. We weren't going to pay $9 a day to the car rental company for a car seat after lugging our own seat, so the airlines "graciously" provided a loaner seat. Imagine having a vehicle with LATCH capability and not being able to use it because the seat does not have the strap to utilize that capability. Now imagine our disappointment, struggle, and frowned faces.
We eventually did get our car seat the next day at the hotel although it was by sheer chance that we found out that it had been delivered. We were leaving to go out and the hotel clerk asked us if we knew that our car seat was there. We said 'No' as the airline was supposed to have called MSO but of course didn't. Bastards. Car seat got installed, loaner got kicked to the curb, and off we went.
We also made a shocking discover that airlines no longer provide meals. You have to buy it for $5! Another airline actually charged $1 for the nuts! That's just crazy.
Of course the forgotten experience of adequate customer service is not only at airports. Seems as if many places you go to, including your childhood McDonald's, you are bound to go away with a feeling of anger, disappointment, irritability, etc.
Where has your worst customer service experience occurred?

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Multitasking Woes

"I can only do one thing at a time." That was a statement MSO told me recently. What is it with his inability to multitask? Watching TV mesmerizes him to the point that he completely stops what he's doing and doesn't hear or see just about anything that's around him, including of course, me. That's all fine and dandy that he's enjoying one of the intriguing playoff games, discovering whatever it may be on the Discovery Channel, gaining a glimpse into the past through the History Channel, getting in touch with his feminine side with TLC, or even hoping he can be like Norm Abrams on HGTV. But, many a women are able to cook, clean, and take care of the baby without saying "I can only do one thing at a time." Now don't get upset guys. I only say that because I can only remember one thing - that MSO cannot multitask.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Hostile and Abusive Mascots

Chief Illiniwek was placed on a list of "hostile and abusive" mascots and that has made Illinois ineligible to host postseason athlethic tournaments. North Dakota and Indiana University of Pennsylvania are also on this hot list. It's very sad when there has to be an NCAA executive committee to monitor mascots of universites and colleges. There seems to be a thin line when dealing with symbols of culture, race, or ethnicity, and how they're being portrayed and used. Maybe people can take out their anger and frustrations on Chad Ellis. Who wouldn't?!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Second Crock-Pot Meal

I finally got around to making another meal in our Crock-Pot which started collecting dust on its lid. It has been a little over a month since our first one. This time around it was Ravioli Stew. This one was less work than the first one. It may not look that appealing as let's say the can of Starbucks iced coffee, but it was really good. The recipe for the Stew was obtained from our 3-Ingredient Slow Cooker Recipes, 200 Recipes for Memorable Meals book. I think it will be memorable and maybe even MSO can make it. Additional ingredients can be added, but can you guess what the 3 ingredients are for this simple recipe?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Pet Expo

And while we're on events from the Pets Event Calendar, there is a Pet Expo on May 13-14, 1000-1600 at the Blaisdell Center for free. Looking at this article regarding last year's Hawaii Pet Expo, it appears pets are able to go and take a look at the booths and exhibits as well. Wayne's World can take his cutie and get some treats and toys for her. And if Phoebe is over her case of the 'd', maybe she can go as well.

Be Kind to Animals

According to the Pets Event Calendar, May 7-13 is Be Kind to Animals Week. If you ask me, I'd say it should be Be Kind to Animals Always. No week, no day, but always. Unless, of course, they are attacking or causing you harm in some way. Hmm, but there are those times when you want to hunt down those birds that pooped on your car. Birds are not animals right? Just kidding. I actually tell the birds to get out of the way when I'm driving and they're in my path. Like they can really hear me. Who's stupid now? Yes, that would be me 'cause I don't even know what the true definition of animal is. Yeah, you see a dog, or a cow, or a horse, and know they are animals. But I'm no Jack Hanna, Old MacDonald, or Farmer Tad so I looked it up. Here it is courtesy of Merriam-Webster:

Main Entry: an·i·mal
Pronunciation: 'a-n&-m&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from animale, neuter of animalis animate, from anima soul -- more at ANIMATE
1 : any of a kingdom (Animalia) of living things including many-celled organisms and often many of the single-celled ones (as protozoans) that typically differ from plants in having cells without cellulose walls, in lacking chlorophyll and the capacity for photosynthesis, in requiring more complex food materials (as proteins), in being organized to a greater degree of complexity, and in having the capacity for spontaneous movement and rapid motor responses to stimulation
2 a : one of the lower animals as distinguished from human beings b : MAMMAL; broadly : VERTEBRATE
3 : a human being considered chiefly as physical or nonrational; also : this nature
4 : a person with a particular interest or aptitude (a political animal)
5 : MATTER, THING (the theater...is an entirely different animal --Arthur Miller); also : CREATURE 1c

Hey so during the week of May 7-13 we also have to be kind to humans that are "nonrational" as well. You probably know a lot.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Last Day of April 2006

Yesterday was an event-filled day that started with KAM's 1st Birthday Party. She looked oh-so-cute in her pretty dress and sandals (yes, she's walking already!). It was an Asian theme with colors of pink and red. Food was plentiful as were the children all around.

There was magic courtesy of Glen Bailey

and his little (and a few big) helpers

with one turning into a rabbit right before our eyes.

Parents K & K didn't look stressed, and if they were, they did a great job of not showing it. Cheers to both of you and all your helpers for a great party.

Next up was one of SW's fundraisers for the 808 Basketball Club. There was entertainment, food (again!), and raffle prizes.

Where's my iPod nano? There seemed to be a buzz about winning this prize which was suppposed to be given out in the last hour. We left about the last hour but I think you didn't have to be present to win.

Finally, MSO had his weekly basketball game. It was a rough one as he came home looking really dejected and in pain. He pulled something and they lost 12-53. Yes, you read that right. I didn't go and I'm sorry to say that I'm glad I didn't as that is a damn whoopin'. Maybe they'll get a 'W' next game.