Monday, October 16, 2006

Shaky Sunday

Wow, what a day it was! We were at my Mom's house. I woke up at about 0630-0645 because of baby and had just finished changing baby when we felt the shaking. MSO was lying down and said he felt some small vibrations first and thought it was the dog scratching but then felt the bigger tremors. Then the power went out. I was going to work on a little project that required electricity but I would have to wait till about 1430-1500 to work on it. That's about the time when her neighborhood got electrified and I continued on. However, it wasn't an easy day without the power.

First, we had to figure out what we were going to eat after making sure baby was fed. Everyone ate either a peanut butter sandwich, bread, dry Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch (Thanks, B), or whatever snacks around. We did whatever we could and soon it was lunch. I, with my great gourmet skills, prepared a wonderful lunch meal consisting of canned tuna and vienna sausages with rice (that was already cooked) for all. Oh, and don't forget the furikake on the rice. Mmm mmm.

A little after that rather late lunch, power was up and we celebrated by going to Don Quijote to get some milk. We observed some long lines at Pizza Hut and Bale on the way in. It wasn't too crowded at Don Quijote but the lines were long. It took us almost forty-five minutes overall to get a few things. We got back to Mom's and we smelled a neighbor's meal being cooked outside. We later ate our nice, hot meal that Mom prepared, and then found out that our neighborhood still did not have power.

We stayed as long as we could at Mom's and then made our way home. A sight to see. Darkness, darkness, darkness. Don't know exactly what time the power went back on but I awoke to blinking clocks all around. We heard maybe about 2200-2230.

It was a crazy, lazy day and we hope it doesn't happen again too soon.

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