Monday, December 04, 2006

Invisible Student

, unpopular, and fat girl. That was (and still is kind of) me. I hated the elementary through high school years because of stupid things like this. I probably hated preschool too but my unconscious repressed memory won't allow me to remember. Unlike MSO who has fond childhood memories of not so smart hilarious shenanigans at school and then some, I have, for the most part, disgust for school day memories. And like the article says, "Girls can be brutal"! But the shameless, malicious, and barbaric boys were just as bad. I remember getting teased even in intermediate school by this one guy loser who I did see later in high school and had ballooned in weight. So now the goal is to instill as much good morals and values in our child who I hope has a very limited exposure to the type of negativity that can arise in the school environment. Here we go...


Gee Why said...

You just gotta let it go, look back, and laugh at yourself.

That's all you can do. :)

tabasco man said...

Please read my wife's feelings on the subject.

Angry Asian Girl said...

Yeah, laughter is important, especially when looking back at yearbook pictures.

Tabasco Man and Tabasco Wo(Man), that is such a great post. The softy in me actually teared up while reading your post. I'm glad to see that the education system is working on dealing with those kinds of issues. Gives everyone involved some hope. Even those that go to private school. =S

Wayne's World said...

Yeah, you just gotta forget about the past. What's in the past is done. It's best to think of how lucky you are in the present and look forward to the future.