Monday, March 12, 2007

Excerpt From Parents Article About Biting

MSO and I were fortunate and grateful to be gifted with a subscription of Parents. We need all the help we can! While reading this article about one mother's experience with her little girl, I felt very emotional, more than normal anyway. There are some excerpts which got me reflecting that the mother's experience could be my experience or your experience and that it could be something other than biting as well.
This was my first real-life illustration of some advice I had once heard: Raising kids is like planting seeds from a packet with no picture on it. You have to throw out any ideas about what is going to grow and just tend to the garden the best you can.
The biting problem also taught me that your child's behavior is not necessarily a reflection on you. Whether you're a stay-at-home or working mom, it's all too easy to view your son's or daughter's accomplishments as your own proud achievement -- and their less-than-stellar antics as something that can be blamed on you.
...I still work hard every day to bring out the best in my children and to curb the worst, but I also try to remember that there are limits to what a parent can do.
Can't wait to read "Stop Trying to Be Super Mommy".

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