Monday, April 30, 2007

Island Life Tidbits

Do your part for environment: Don't wash clean clothes

Liberate yourself from the laundry, recommends Joanna Yarrow in "1001 Ways to Save the Earth." Yes, detergent ads push for washing clothes after every wearing, but sometimes, that's not necessary. "That's not to say you should wait until they can walk to the washing machine by themselves," she writes, "but don't launder them until they're actually dirty." That saves the environment and extends the life of your clothes. (A rule of thumb: Give them the sniff-and-stain test, checking for odor or spots. If they pass, separate them from the dirty clothes and hang them up immediately.)

Geezerhood creeping up on you? "1,003 Ways to Stay Young" offers these tips:

# Throw away your flowered bathing cap.

# Never use a three-way mirror again.

# Never admit you don't know how to use your iPod.

Final Word

"Once we cross 10 billion gallons (of cellulosic ethanol) there is no question in my mind we will be below $1 a gallon."

Vinod Khosla | co-founder of Sun Micro-systems who is building three factories to produce cellulosic ethanol fuel made from biomass, in Men's Journal.

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