Thursday, April 26, 2007

Reasons Celebrities Make Lousy Parents

According to Helen A.S. Popkin, MSNBC contributor, these are the top 10 reasons why celebrities shouldn't have kids. It's funny writing but at the same time it's sad 'cause you have to realize that these are actual parents and kids with actual feelings that get so magnified via the paparazzi and media.

1. Innate inability to distinguish between healthy parent-child communication and “Glengarry Glen Ross.” The verbal abuse received by most kids isn’t nearly as eloquent as that now infamous (and well-annunciated) rant Alec Baldwin deposited on his 11-year-old (or 12-year-old, he doesn't seem sure) daughter’s voice mail...

2. Amicable divorces even creepier than those that go DEFCON 1. Yes, yes, a decade-plus of well-publicized avarice among Baldwin and Basinger is shameful, ugly and undoubtedly damaging to their only child...

3. Inability to choose appropriate stepparents. Uncle Ashton indeed!...

4. Insistence on wrecking soccer games for everyone. Who’s going to pay attention to little Isabelle or Connor Kidman-Cruise kicking a goal, when you can gawk at the paparazzi gawking at...

5. Don’t allow biological children nearly as much press as those Third World kids Mommy and Daddy keep adopting. It’s bad enough when rich-and-famous moms, dads or both force real-world values by making their kids do chores and throwing away toys left out of the toy box...

6. Can’t find child-size Louis Vuitton dog carriers. Teacup Chihuahua breeders would do well to take note of People magazine’s popular “baby bump” issues...

7. Safety schmafety! Though it seems obvious to us regular folk, you don’t dangle babies from balconies (Michael Jackson) or...

8. The whole naming thing. This point is obvious and overplayed. Yet celebrities still don’t get it. Nobody’s getting a Golden Globe for...

9. Even more reality shows. If celebrities aren’t willing to put children first, at least they should consider their fans. Screwed-up celebrity children...

10. No wire hangers. Ever. We don’t want to read their tell-all memoirs either.

Hey, these reasons are not according to me. I think it is rather difficult for them to always be under the radar so to speak but at the same time it's not impossible to be a loving, sensible, and present parent too. They have such a tough life. (Sarcasm intended)

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