Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Wanna Be a Pothead

No, not that kind of pothead. Just say no to drugs! I'm talking about a Crock-Pot. In my effort to simplify life, we purchased a Rival Crock-Pot. The determination to have warm, cooked meals upon arrival from work (rather than take-out or dining out anywhere from 3-5 days a week) has almost consumed me. I even bought a couple of books with slow cooker recipes. Probably got some good ones online as well. Of course my first attempt at this slow cooking thing will be on its way once I can get to the store to get some ingredients.


tabasco man said...

Just bring the leftovers to work so I can have lunch.:)

Gee Why said...

I understand Zippys has a fantastic slow cook process. Same with Pizza Hut. Followed by slow cooking from Starbucks or even Baskin Robbins is the way to go.