Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Might've Been The First One

If you've ever had a stomach virus where puking and/or output from the other end is involved, then you will definitely sympathize with what MSO and I went through these past few days. It really might've been my first stomach virus or the first in a very long, long time. We probably got a bout of it from baby who may have gotten it from the sitter's. Don't think I puked that much when I had morning sickness. Unpleasant, violent, and wicked! Diet so far has consisted of toast, crackers, and water. Even prison inmates eat better than that...but maybe really shouldn't. But that's a whole 'nother gripe. In reality world I just wanted to curl up and say goodnight but it wouldn't be as the just cleaned bathroom kept calling to see us in agony. What made it even more challenging, so to speak, was that baby was home with us. How do two ill parents take care of their child when they can barely take care of themselves?! It was tough even with the in-laws helping out for a few hours. Beware everyone out there, beware...


Anonymous said...

Thanks to your post, Phoebe's teeth are brushed every other night now...although the vet said she has great genetics.

She wanted me to thank you anyway :)

Anonymous said...

My bad, wrong post.