Thursday, May 03, 2007

Industrial Fallout

Was talking with Super K and he mentioned that a fallout is occurring from the construction of none other than Keola La`i. Super K started noticing his wife's car, although not a new car, is rusting. He further surmised that something had gone amiss when conversing with a guy who mentioned his wife's car is parked in the same area during the day and her BMW(!) is also rusting. This is three blocks away! Yes, three blocks away. Boy, oh boy.

Apparently this has been a complaint in numbers. Super K, after talking with a few people and getting in touch with their construction office, was able to easily arrange a visit to have his wife's car evaluated in order to resolve the issue. No hassles, no runarounds. What a surprise. Still, I'd be pissed if that happened to my vehicle. And imagine people just walking around that area! You gotta use some type of mask. As much as possible keep away from areas where all those (money-draining) condos are being built.

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

Ahh, my future home ;)