Thursday, July 26, 2007

No Criminals in Professional Sports?

With news talk about Michael Vick and the dogfighting charges, for me, it once again prompted the thought of what professional sports would be like without criminals or those accused of crimes.

What if the professional sports world had a no tolerance policy for gross violations of law? Boy, that would eliminate some of the most marketable stars wouldn't it?

In Michael Vick's case, I say 'Kick Vick' too. Innocent until proven guilty, however, to even be involved with such preposterousness is irresponsible. And what's in that 'Personal Conduct Policy'? Vague or worded like a government-issued instructional document?

Bottom line. These professional athletes are role models, in the spotlight, and should be responsible and law-abiding. Yes, they are human too and there is a lot of pressure on a daily basis. But, that's part of the job and they are getting paid millions of dollars for doing what they love. Many should not forget where they came from and what they didn't have before their glory.

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